C H A P T E R 1
This guide is intended forindividuals who are responsible for installing and maintaining room
systems in their organisations. Other documentation and resources are available for individuals
who use room systems.
Other documentation and resources
In addition to this guide, there are resources for individuals who install, maintain and use room
Yourroom system’s specifications define theproduct’s dimensions, weights, recommended
operatingand storage temperatures, power requirements and consumption and other important
information forinstallation and maintenance.
Document Link
SMARTRoomSystem forLync forsmall rooms specifications smarttech.com/kb/170449
SMARTRoomSystem forLync formedium rooms specifications smarttech.com/kb/170448
SMARTRoomSystem forLync forlarge rooms specifications smarttech.com/kb/170447
SMARTRoomSystem forLync wall stand kit specifications
Installation instructions
Yourroom system comes with a hardware selection guide that explains which mounting
hardwareto use for your room’s wall type and a quick start guide that explains how to install the
room system hardware. In addition, the optional wall stand andcable tracking include their own
installation guides. If you have misplaced any of these installation instructions, you can
download PDF versions.
Document Link
SMARTRoomSystem forLync hardware selection guide smarttech.com/kb/170464
SMARTRoomSystem forLync forsmall rooms quick start guide smarttech.com/kb/170470
SMARTRoomSystem forLync formedium rooms quick start
SMARTRoomSystem forLync forlarge rooms quick start guide smarttech.com/kb/170468
SMARTRoomSystem forLync wall stand installation guide smarttech.com/kb/170466
SMARTRoomSystem forLync cable raceway installation guide smarttech.com/kb/170465
SMARTRoomSystem forLync table microphone upgrade kit
installation guide