C H A P T E R 6
Troubleshootingyour roomsystem
Locating serial numbers
Each of themajor components of your room system has a serial number.
Component Serial number location
Interactive flat panel Back of the interactive flat panel in the top right-hand corner
Whenrequesting technical support, provide
SMARTSupport with the left interactive flat panel’s serial
Youcan also access the interactive flat panel’s serial
number from the on-screen display menu (seepage 55 for
small and large rooms orpage 63 formedium rooms).
Lync appliance Wideside of theLync appliance
Console Back of the console
Camera Top of the camera beside the service light
Table microphones Bottom of each microphone
Audio processor Narrow side of the audio processor
Speakers Back of each speaker
It’s good practice to record these serial numbers in a safe place. You can use the inside front
cover of this guide for this purpose.
Locating power and status lights
Yourroom system’s components have powerand status lights, which you can use when
resolvingcommonissues with the room system.