C H A P T E R 6
Troubleshootingyour roomsystem
Resolving software issues
If the Lync Room System software calendardoesn’t appearon theconsole and interactive flat
panels, or if it indicates that the room is freefor 24 hours when you know that is has been booked
for meetings, thereis an issue with the connection betweenthe room system and your
organisation’s Microsoft Exchange server. Forassistance with these and other network issues,
contact your organisation’s network administrator.
For all otherissues with Lync Room System software, contact Microsoft forsupport.
Users can share PowerPoint files using the room system (see Presentingfiles on page 26). If
participants are unable to write or draw digital ink over aPowerPoint file, ensurethat the user is
sharing the PowerPoint file (and not the screen, part of the screen or thePowerPoint
application)and that permissions are set so that either thepresenteror everyone can write or
draw digital ink over thefile.
Testing your room system
If your particular issue wasn’t covered in the previous sections or if the solutions in the previous
sections didn’t resolve yourissue, you can test your room system.
To complete a room system test, you need theroom system administratoraccount’s user
name and password.
To complete a room system test
1. On the console, press Options and then press Settings.
The Enter yourcredentials screenappears.
2. Type the room system administrator account’s user name and password and then press
The room restarts.
3. Type the room system administrator account’s user name and password and then press
The Settings screen appears.
4. Press Lync Settings.