How the Macintosh looks for fonts
Here’s the search order your Macintosh uses to determine which font to
display on your screen when you choose a specific size:
1. an i nstalled bitmapped font in that size, if one exists
2. a scaled TrueType font, if no bitmapped font exists
3. an Adobe Type Manager (ATM) version of a PostScript font, if ATM is
installed and if no TrueType version exists
4. a scaled bitmap if no ATM font exists
Here’s the search order it uses to determine which font to print on your
Color StyleWriter 2500 printer:
1. a scaled TrueType font, if one exists
2. an ATM version of a PostScript font, if ATM is installed and if no
Tr u eTyp e version exists
3. a scaled 72-dpi bitmap if no ATM font exists
Using Fonts With the Color StyleWriter 2500