
Creating your own watermarks
You can use any program that can save PICT or PICT2 format files to create
your own watermarks. For example, you can create a watermark with your
company’s logo on it.
1 Create the file with a drawing program or any program that can save PICT or PICT2 files.
Here are some tips for making effective watermarks:
m Make the watermark with saturated colors. When you print a document,
you can use the Density control to make the watermark lighter.
m As you draw the image, keep in mind how the watermark scaling options
affect the placement of the image when it is printed.
m The printing software determines the placement of the watermark based on
where it calculates the upper-left and lower-right corners of the image are.
If you want to have more control over the placement, you can use your
drawing program to place a dot above and to the left of the image in the
watermark file to define a new upper-left corner. If you don’t want the dot
to be visible in your printed document, make the dot white.
Watermark file
Printed with
Align Top Left
Printed with
Centered option
Printed with
Stretch to Fit
Watermark file Printed with
Align Top Left
Printed with
Centered option
Printed with
Stretch to Fit
Chapter 2