
Removing items from your Fonts folder to solve installation problems
Items in your current Fonts folder can interfere with successful installation of
the printer software. To correct the problem, follow these steps:
1 Quit all programs you are currently running.
2 Open the Fonts folder (inside the System Folder) on your Macintosh.
3 Drag the following files out of the Fonts folder. (Look for files with exactly these names.)
m Avant Garde
m Bookman
m Delphian
m Garamond Narrow
m Helvetica Black and Helvetica Compressed
m Lubalin Graph
m Lucida Bright
m Machine
m N Helvetica Narrow
m Nadianne
m New Century Schlbk
m Old English Text
m Onyx
m Oxford
m Swing
m Zapf Chancery
m Zapf Dingbats
m Zeal
You can put the fonts temporarily into a new folder and drag the folder to
your desktop. Then, after you install the Color StyleWriter 2500 software
(including these fonts), you can drag the temporary folder to the Trash.
4 Repeat the software installation procedure in Chapter 1.
For more details about fonts, see Appendix B.