To put a print request on hold,
select its title or icon (by clicking it), then click
the Hold button. The print request will stay on hold until you select its title
again and click the Resume button. You can also put the print request that’s
currently printing on hold by dragging it to the list of documents waiting to
To indicate that a print request is urgent,
select its title or icon (by clicking it),
then choose Set Print Time from the Printing menu. In the dialog box that
opens, click Urgent. This moves the print request to the top of your list.
To indicate that a print request should not print until a future time,
select its title or
icon (by clicking it), then choose Set Print Time from the Printing menu.
In the dialog box that opens, click At Time, then set the time you want.
To sort the list of items waiting to print,
click the title of the column you want to
sort by. For example, to sort by the name of the document, click Document
Name. (You can also sort by choosing the commands in the View menu.)
The column title you sorted by is underlined. Sorting the items does not
change the order in which they will print. To see and change that order,
sort by Print Time.
To change the order of the items waiting to print,
click the words Print Time, and
then change the items’ place in the list by dragging their titles.
To temporarily stop all your items from printing on this printer,
choose Stop Print
Queue from the Printing menu. To resume using the printer, choose Start
Print Queue from the Printing menu. If you’re using a PowerBook, this can
be a good way to save print requests while you’re on the road until you get
back to your printer.
Shortcut: The commands to start and stop the print queue are available
without opening the window for the printer, if the printer’s icon is selected
on the desktop.
To move a print request from one printer to another printer
of the same type, drag
the icon for the print request to the icon of the printer where you want to
move it. If you’re not sure whether the two printers are of the same type,
try moving the print request anyway—the printer software won’t let you
move a print request to an incompatible printer.