Memory is low
Once in a while, your computer may be temporarily low on random-access
memory (RAM).
Symptoms that indicate a memory problem.
m Some documents do not print.
m Some text incorrectly appears in the Geneva font.
m Characters look jagged.
m An “out of memory” message appears on your screen.
If you have a memory problem, try the following:
m Run only one program at a time; quit the ones you’re not using.
m If memory has been severely fragmented, you should quit all open
applications, then reopen just the one you’re using.
m Increase the amount of memory you give to the program you’re printing
from by using the Get Info command (as explained in the instructions that
came with your Macintosh).
m Tu rn off background printing. See “Printing While You Use Your
Computer” in Chapter 2.
m In the Page Setup dialog box, choose Portrait (normal) orientation instead
of Landscape (sideways) orientation.
m Don’t print your documents with watermarks.
m Choose “Black and White” from the Image pop-up menu in the Print
dialog box. Printing in black and white takes the least memory.
m When you print in the background, if you often get a message that there is
not enough memory to print on a certain desktop printer, you can give that
desktop printer more memory by selecting its icon and choosing the Get
Info command. Then increase the number in the Preferred Size box. (For
more information on increasing a program’s memory, see the
documentation that came with your Macintosh.)
m Remove desktop printing. See Appendix F.
Chapter 5