Between the fonts that come with your Macintosh and those that come with
the printer, there are 28 font families (and 64 total styled fonts) available as
soon as you install the Color StyleWriter 2500 software.
Name in Font menu Number of fonts Font family (and styled fonts) Comes with
4 ITC Avant Garde
(plain, italic, bold, and bold-italic) StyleWriter 2500
4 ITC Bookman
(plain, italic, bold, and bold-italic) StyleWriter 2500
1 Chicago Macintosh
4 Courier Macintosh
(plain, italic, bold, and bold-italic)
1 Delphian Color
StyleWriter 2500
4 ITC Garamond
Narrow Color
(plain, italic, bold, and bold-italic) StyleWriter 2500
1Geneva Macintosh
4 Helvetica
(plain, italic, bold, and bold-italic)
2 Helvetica Black Color
(plain and italic) StyleWriter 2500
2 Helvetica Compressed Color
(plain and italic) StyleWriter 2500
Appendix C
Font List