damaged paper 49, 74–75, 82
default desktop printer icon 38, 40
default printer, changing 38–39
deleting a print request, background
printing and 42
density of watermarks 35, 36
desktop printer
creating 17, 40, 116
formatting a document for,
QuickDraw GX 118
desktop printer icons
appearance after removing desktop
printer software 127
creating, throwing away, or
manipulating 40
examples of 16, 31
troubleshooting 71
desktop printing 31
low memory and 78
turning off QuickDraw GX 123
desktop printing software, removing
Desktop PrintMonitor 79
dialog boxes
Chooser 17, 115–117
Color Options 32–33, 52
Custom Install 69
Custom Remove 126
Installer 15, 68, 126
Page Setup 19, 29, 37, 80, 117
Page Setup, expanded QuickDraw GX
version 118
Print 20, 30, 52, 85, 119
Print, expanded QuickDraw GX
version 120–122
PrintMonitor 128
Setup 45
Utilities 85
Watermark Options 35
dimensions of printer 91
disabled (X) desktop printer icon 40,
71, 127
disconnecting the printer. See unplugging
the printer
disks, locking 14
display fonts 106
distorted print output, troubleshooting 87
document icon 31
downloadable fonts 108
Draft print quality option 30, 53,
119, 120
electromagnetic interference 4
energy-saving feature 6
engine specifications of the printer 89
enlarging the printed image. See scaling
envelope icon 24, 25
feed improperly 74–75
formatting the text for 26, 27
loading into the sheet feeder 24, 75
setting the paper selectors for 24, 25
types to use 26, 77, 90, 91
environment specifications 92
erasable typing paper 49, 82
error light 6, 21, 72
error messages 70, 77
EtherTalk network, connecting the
printer to 48
extensions, turning off 14
external paper selector lever 13, 24
features of the printer, overview ix
File menu
Page Setup command 19, 23, 29,
34–37, 117–118
Print command 20, 27–28, 30–33, 38,
Quit command 20
Save command 33