Sharing your printer with other users
If your computer is connected to other computers over an AppleTalk network,
you can allow others on the network to print on your Color StyleWriter 2500.
The technology that lets you do this is called ColorShare.
Note: Before you can share the printer, other users must install the Color
StyleWriter 2500 printer software. In addition, everyone who shares the
printer must first open the Chooser and select the Color SW 2500 icon.
Note the following points about ColorShare:
m Even though you are sharing the printer over a network, the printer must
still be connected directly to a single computer with the provided cable, as
described in “Connecting the Printer to Your Macintosh” in Chapter 1.
m For others to be able to use the shared Color StyleWriter 2500 printer, your
Macintosh must be turned on.
m When other users print on a printer connected to your Macintosh, you may
notice that your computer pauses occasionally while you work. Because the
printer is attached to your Macintosh, you can see what’s being printed by
opening the desktop printer icons, as described in “Monitoring and
Controlling Background Printing,” earlier in this chapter.
m These instructions work only if you do not use QuickDraw GX software,
and only others who do not have QuickDraw GX can share the printer.
(QuickDraw GX users can share a printer only with other QuickDraw GX
users. They share the printer by clicking its icon, and then choosing
Sharing from the File menu.)
Chapter 2