
mini pages (2 or 4) 29, 37
non-standard documents 28–31
on a shared printer 47
on various paper finishes 26
in portrait orientation 27–28, 29, 117
previously formatted documents 31
with QuickDraw GX 115–122
reducing cost of 53
scaled documents 29, 34, 117, 118
selected pages of a document 30
several documents at once 31
specific number of copies 30
standard documents 27–28
a test page 19–20, 56, 59, 84, 86
three-hole punched paper 24
transparencies 26, 51, 75, 120
troubleshooting 69–88
U.S. letter-size paper 27–28
utilities for 30
watermark images 29, 34–37
while using your computer 41–43
without leaving the Finder 31
printing icon 40
Printing menu, Set Default Printer
command 39
Printing Prefs folder 37, 46, 81
print materials. See also back-print film;
envelopes; paper; transparencies
part numbers for 93
standard and non-standard, printing
tips for choosing 49–51
types to use 24, 26, 90–91
PrintMonitor command (Application
menu) 128
PrintMonitor dialog box 128
PrintMonitor program
changes to printing software and x
using if you don’t have desktop
printers 128
print nozzles, checking 21–22
print options. See also page setup options
setting 30, 32–33, 39, 119–122
print quality
for greater speed 53
QuickDraw GX printing and 119,
120, 121
selecting 30, 52
troubleshooting 82–87
print queue
removing requests from 79
working with 42–43
print requests
deleting multiple requests for a
document 70
monitoring and controlling 42–43,
47, 128
removing 79, 128
scheduling 120, 128
print time, setting, background printing
and 43
profiles, ColorSync 32, 112, 113, 121
proportional space numerals 106
quality options. See print quality
QuickDraw GX
background printing and 41
cleaning the print head 122
expanded Page Setup dialog box 118
expanded Print dialog box 120–122
font features 98
installing 14
network printing and 44, 70
page setup definition 117–118
printing with 119–122
setting up the printer for use with
turning off 123
typographic features of 106
Quit command (File menu) 20