
A4 paper 13, 91
AC power adapter 3, 92
Adobe PostScript font icon 98
Adobe Type Manager 79, 98, 100, 106
alcohol-based or ammonia-based
cleaners 2, 63
alias for a desktop printer icon,
creating 40
Align Top Left watermark scaling
option 35, 36
Apple-authorized dealer/service provider
obtaining ink cartridges
and supplies 58
purchasing new system software or
memory 15
repair assistance 65
waste ink container is full 77
Apple classic fonts 107
Apple menu, Turn Desktop Printing
Off 123
Apple part numbers list 93–94
Apple System/Peripheral-8 cable
3, 90, 93
AppleTalk network, sharing the printer
Application menu, PrintMonitor
command 128
audio alert of print completion 30
background printing
low memory and 78, 79
monitoring and controlling 42–43
PrintMonitor and 128
QuickDraw GX and 115
turning on or off 41
working with 28, 31
back-print film
backwards printing and 81
loading into the sheet feeder 26,
51, 75
print quality setting for 120
tips for using 51
Best print quality option 30, 52, 119, 120
bitmapped font icon 97
bitmapped fonts
Apple classic fonts 107
described 97
PostScript and 98
TrueType and 99–100, 106
Bitstream PostScript font icon 98
black ink cartridge
printing speed and 53
vs. color ink cartridge 4
when to replace 58
borders around mini pages 29, 37