16 UsingtheTV'sAdvancedFeatures
Pel_[bl_ing a 5_f!_,are UpgT_ude
TOSHIBA may offer upgrades for the TV's software in the future.
The TV's software is upgraded via the Network.
NOTE AnInternetconnectionisrequired.
Before downloading software:
1 Configure your TV to connect to the Internet.
NOTE ...o Youwill notbeabletousetheTVsetwhileperformingtheupgrade.
¢ DonotturnofftheTVduringtheupgrade.
¢ Byupgrading,thefactorydefaultvaluesmaybechanged.
2 Press the MENU button.
3 Select Get Help > Software Upgrade.
4 Press the OK button.
The Network Upgrade screen appears.
5 Press the OK button.
NOTE Ifthenetworkisnotavailable,awarningmessageappears.
6 After a successful download, the TV software upgrade will
start automatically.
The Licenses for the software used in this TV are available for
1 Press the MENU button.
2 Select Get Help > Software Licenses.
3 Press the OK button.
A screen appears displaying all the licensing information
required for the television's software.