Connecn'_ an /_Mf _a':orD VI&_ice tothe /_Mf _a':input
NOTE WhenyouuseColorStreamTM HDorVideo,switchAVinputmode
Toview antenna or Cable channels:
Select the ANT/CABLE video input source on the TV.*
To view the DVD player:
Turn on the DVD player. Select the COLORSTREAM HD video
input source on the TV.*
To view satellite programs using the component video
Turn on the satellite receiver. Select the COLORSTREAM HD
video input source on the TV.*
Toview the VCR or view and record antenna channels:
Turn on the VCR. Tune the VCR to the channel you want to watch.
Select the VIDEO input source on the TV.*
To record a TV program while watching a DVD:
Turn on the VCR. Tune the VCR to the channel to record. Select the
COLORSTREAM HD video input source on the TV* to view the
*To select the video input source, press the INPUT button on the
remote control, see "Selecting the video input source" on page 54.
NOTE Theunauthorizedrecording,use,distribution,or revisionoftelevision
programs,videotapes,DVDs,andothermaterialsis prohibitedunderthe
The HDMP' input on your TV receives digital audio and
uncompressed digital video from an HDMI _source device, or
uncompressed digital video from a DVI (Digital Visual Interface)
source device.
This input is designed to accept HDCP (High- Bandwidth Digital-
Content Protection) program material in digital form from EIA/
CEA-861-D- compliant Ellconsumer electronic devices (such as a
set-top box or DVD player with HDMP' or DVI output).
The HDMP input can accept and display various signal formats.
For detailed signal specifications, see "HDMI(R)signal formats" on
page 133. Supported Audio format: Linear PCM, sampling rate
32/44.1/48 kHz.