8 SettingupyourTV
Displuyirlg _stums il_)l_atiorl
To display TV status information using the INFO button:
*_**Press the INFO button on the remote control.
The following information will be displayed (if applicable):
*_**Current input (ANT/CABLE, Video, etc.)
*_**If ANT/CABLE is the current input, either "CABLE" (for cable
TV) or "ANT" (for over-the-air broadcasts).
*_**Channel number (if in ANT/CABLE mode)
*_**Digital signal strength indicator (bar graph in lower right corner
of box; for digital signals only)
*_**Stereo, Mono, or SAP audio status (when in HDMP' input
mode, Dolby * Digital, or PCM)
*_**Video resolution
*_**Aspect ratio of incoming video signal (4:3 or 16:9)
*_**V-Chip rating status
*_**GameTimer (if set)
*_**Detailed description
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To close the INFO screen, press the INFO button again.