4 SettingupyourTV
Sdecting theP1Ncode
2 Highlight Stable Sound, and thenpress the OK button.
3 Press the A/ T (arrow) buttons to selectOn.
NOTN StableSoundTM cannotbeusedatthesametimeasDTSYruSurroundTM.
Thefeatureis greyedoutuntilDTSTruSurroundTM is turnedOff.
UsingtheDolbye DigitalDynamicFlangeControlfeature
You can further compress Dolby _Digital dynanlic range, allowing
you to switch from digital to analog broadcasts at the same dynamic
To use the Dolby _Digital Dynamic Range Control:
1 Press the MENU button and open the Sound menu.
2 Highlight Dynamic Range Control, and then press the OK button.
3 Press the A/ T (arrow) buttons to selectOn, and thenpress the OK
NOTE ,¢,,ThisfeatureisavailablewhentheTVistunedtoadigitalRFchannel
A PIN code is necessary for some menus.
NOTE ,¢,,TheParentalControlandLocksmenuis grayedoutifnoPINhas
Entera newPINcode
1 Press the MENU button and open the Options menu.
2 Highlight Parental PIN Setup, and then press the OK button.
3 Use the mlmber buttons to eNer a 4-digit number. Confirm the code.
ForgottenPiN code
While the PIN code entering screen is displayed, press the INFO
button four times within five seconds. The PIN code will be cleared
and you can enter a new PIN code.