6 Menu Layoutand Navigation
Navigating the menll _ystem
Icon Item Option
GetHelp SoftwareLicense Viewsthesoftwarelicenses
SoftwareUpgrade PerformsasoftwareupgradeviatheNetwork
SystemInformation OpenstheSystemInformationscreen
AutoDemo OpensAutoDemomenu
ROTE Onlyavailableif theTVissettoStoremode.
You can use the buttons on the remote control to access and navigate
your TV's on-screen menu system.
1 Press the MENU button to open the menu system.
(St4mple ImgTge) Ncl_,igatitgg the metal ,s3,stem
2 When a menu is open, use the A/T/4/_(arrow) buttons on
the remote control to move in the corresponding direction in
the menu.
3 Press the OK button to save your menu settings or select a
highlighted item.
Ahighlighted menu item appears in a different color in the
4 All menus close automatically if you do not make a selection
within approximately 30 seconds.
5 To close a menu instantly, press the EXIT button.
NOTE Themenubackgroundmaysometimesappearblack,dependingonthe
signaltheTVisreceiving.Thisis notasignofmalfunction.
6 For information on how to contact Customer Support, press the
MENU button > Get Help > System Information > OK