0 SettingupyourTV
Using dosd cupfions
3 Press the A/T (arrow) buttons to highlight the characteristic
you wish to change, and then press the 4/1_ (arrow) buttons to
select the format for that characteristic.
4 To save the new settings, highlight Done, and then press the
OK button.
To revert to the factory defaults, highlight Reset, and then press
the OK button.
Mode." Descriptiol_
CaptionSize Auto,Small,Standard,Large
CaptionTextType (withoutSerif),Prop.(withoutSerif),Casual,Cursive,Small
CaptionTextEdge RightDropshadow
CaptionTextColor Auto,Black,White,Red,Green,Blue,Yellow,Magenta,Cyan
TextForegroundOpacity Auto,Transparent,Translucent,Flashing,Solid
BackgroundColor Magenta,Cyan
TextBackgroundOpacity Auto,Transparent,Translucent,Flashing,Solid
CaptionTextEdgeColor Auto,Black,White,Red,Green,Blue,Yellow,Magenta,Cyan
Usinglhe ClosedcapUonbuUon
If you press the CC button when an analog channel is tuned or from
an external input (480i signal from the video input):
•**_The CC bar will appear and will display the options, CC 1-4,
If you press the CC button when a digital channel is tuned:
•**_The CC bar will appear and will display the available caption
options for that channel or service.