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With your TV's remote control, or using the HDMI _'CEC Player
Control menu, you can control the connected HDMI _ CEC
playback device you are watching.
B_lttol_." Descriptiol_:
PLAY Beginplayback
STOP Stopplayback
PAUSE Pausethepictureduringplayorrecordmode
SKiPForward Skipforward
SKiPReverse Skipbackward
FF Fastforward
REW Rewind/reverse
,A/T/4/I,,,- Navigatesmenuoptions
OK Entersmenuoptions
EXIT Returntothepreviousmenu
NOTE Thesefunctionsdependonthedevicesconnected.
HDNI®CECPlayer Controlmenufunctions
To control the HDMD' CEC player from the menu:
1 From the Options menu, highlight HDMI CEC Player
Control, and then press the OK button.
(Sample Image) Pl_@rences mem¢ - HDMF:' ('EC Player ('o_trol
2 Pressthe A/T(arrow)buttonstoselecttheitemyouwishto
control and press the OK button.