SettingupyourTV 79
Usingparental controls (for _SMregion)
Indication other than rating system:
MPAAN/A MovieNotApplicable
NOTRATE MovieNotRated
(Noratingappears) Noratinginformationisprovided
NOTE Ifyouplacean"X"intheboxnextto"None"Rated,programsrated
"None"or "NotRated"will beblocked;Programsthatdonotprovideany
To display the rating of the program you are watching, press the
INFO button on the remote control. If it is rated "None" the word
"NONE" appears in the INFO screen. If rating information is not
provided, no rating will appear in the INFO screen.
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(Sample bmT_e)Ratin_, b![b screet_s
If you try to tune to aprogram that exceeds the rating limits you
have set, the TV will enter program lock mode and a warning
message appears on the screen.
(Sample Ilh/stratiotd VYart_it_g- exceeded ratit_g limit
You can either temporarily unlock the program or select an
unlocked program to watch.
To temporarily unlock the program:
1 Press the MUTE button.
2 Enter your four-digit PIN code, and then press the OK button.