Tuning lo the next prog_Fammed channel
Tuningtothenext programmedchannel
To tune to the next progranmaed channel, press the CH A/V
(arrow) buttons on the remote control or TV control panel.
NOTE Thisfeaturewillnotfunctionuntilyouhaveprogrammedchannelsinto
Tuningtoaspecificchannel(programmedor unprogrammed)
To tuneanalog channels:
Press the Channel Number (0-9) on the remote control. For
example, to select channel 125, press 1, 2, 5, and then press the
OK button.
Tuning digital channels:
Press the Channel Number (0-9) on the remote control, followed by
the (Dash 10U)button, and then the sub-channel number. For
example, to select digital channel 125-1, press 1, 2, 5, -, 1, and then
press the OK button.
NOTE Ifadigitalchannelisnotprogrammed,eitherthroughtheautomatic
youwill haveto tunetheRFchannelusingtheChannelNumbersandthe
(Dash 100)buttonontheremotecontrol.
Switching heN'een Me channels using ChannelReturn
The Channel Return feature allows you to switch between two
channels without entering an actual channel number each time.
1 Select the first channel you want to view.
2 Select a second channel using the Channel Number buttons
(and the (Dash 100) button if selecting a digital channel).
3 Press the CH RTN button on the remote control. The previous
channel will display. Each time you press the CH RTN button,
the TV wilt switch back and forth between the last two channels
that were tuned.