se.i.g pvo Tv75
Usingparenm/ conlro/s _)r _SMre, on)
Changingor deleUngyour PiNcode
1 Press the MENU button and open the Options menu.
2 Highlight Parental PIN Setup, and thenpress the OK button.
3 Use the number button to enter a 4-digit number.
4 Select Change PIN or Delete PIN. Press the OK button.
Usingparenialcontrols(for USAregion)
Some TV programs and movies include signals that classify the
content of the prograna (as unsuitable for younger viewers). The
V-Chip feature in this TV detects the signals and blocks the
progran_s according to the ratings you select.
1 Press the MENU button and open the Options menu.
2 Highlight Parental Control and Locks, and thenpress the OK
3 Enteryour four-digitPIN code.
4 Press the A / T (arrow) buttons to highlight Enable Rating
BlocMng, and press OK button.
5 Press the A / T (arrow) buttons to select On, and then press the
OK button.
(Sample Image) Locks' menu -Enable Rating Blocking selection
Press the T (arrow) button to highlight Edit Rating Limits,
and then press the OK button. The Edit Rating Limits screen
For each desired selection, press the A/ T / 4/_ (arrow)
buttons to highlight the selection, and then press the OK button
to select it.
A box with an "X" is a rating that will be blocked. As you
highlight a rating, a definition for the rating appears at the
bottom of the screen.