Default settings of SP modes related to previous Temporary Solutions A, B and B+
1105-003 Htg Roll Sn1: Ctr
Wait Temp: Norm
177 deg Heating Roller Temperature in Standby
1105-006 Htg Roll Sn1: Ctr
1-S: Norm: 1 Col
175 deg Heating Roller Temperature for normal
paper simplex 1C.
1105-007 Htg Roll Sn1:Ctr
175 deg Heating Roller Temperature for normal
paper simplex FC.
1105-008 Htg Roll Sn1:Ctr
1-S: Trace:1C
160 deg Heating Roller Temperature for thin paper
simplex 1C
1105-009 Htg Roll Sn1: Ctr
1-S: Trace: FC
160 deg Heating Roller Temperature for thin paper
simplex FC
1105-014 Htg: Roll Sn1: Ctr
2-S: Norm: 1C
175 deg Heating Roller Temperature for normal
paper duplex 1C
1105-015 Htg: Roll Sn1: Ctr
2-S: Norm: FC
175 deg Heating Roller Temperature for normal
paper duplex FC
1105-016 Htg: Roll Sn1: Ctr
2-S: Trace: 1C
160 deg Heating Roller Temperature for thin paper
duplex 1C.
1105-017 Htg: Roll Sn1:Ctr
2-S: Trace: FC
160 deg Heating Roller Temperature for thin paper
duplex FC.
1105-029 PressRoll Sensor
Wait Temp: Norm
152 deg Pressure Roller Temperature for Stand-by
1107-007 Mode Shift
Press Temp: Norm
5 deg Additional Temperature for heating roller at
the start of print job.
1107-008 Mode Shift
Press Time: Norm
10 sec Additional Temperature applying time for
heating roller at the start of print job.
1107-015 To Cooling Mode
Trace Cool End
5 Copy/Print job starts when the heating
roller temperature reaches the setting
temperature plus this value.
1108-008 Htg Roll Lamp2
Norm: FC
83 Heating Roller Lamp2 duty for FC printing
1108-009 Htg Roll Lamp2
Scan: Norm: FC
66 Heating Roller Lamp2 duty for FC scanning
and printing.
1108-017 Htg Roll Lamp2
At Reload
27 Heating Roller Lamp2 duty during machine
warming up.
9406-001 Fan Op Temp 0 Cooling fan full rotation
0: default (32C)
1: 30C
2: 28C