9407 Environ Cntrl
001 Environ Cntrl Enable/disables the Peltier unit.
[0 to 1 / 1]
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
004 Op Humidity Factory Use Only. Do Not Touch in the field.
005 Stop Humidity Factory Use Only. Do Not Touch in the field.
006 Op On Time Factory Use Only. Do Not Touch in the field.
007 Op Off Time Factory Use Only. Do Not Touch in the field.
• As a general rule, keep this SP mode disabled.
Enable this SP mode ONLY WHEN:
1. The temperature in the room is low, and
2. There is condensation on the drum or charge roller, and
3. The images on the printouts are blurry
• To enable the Peltier unit:
1. Set this SP mode to a value of 1, and
2. Turn OFF the AOF function in User Program Mode.
NOTE: There are some environmental conditions that the Peltier unit needs to
operate (ex: humidity of 60% or higher). If the Peltier unit does not
operate after you do the above steps, it is because these conditions are
not satisfied.
• When the AOF function is turned OFF, the machine is not in compliance with the
Energy Star requirements.