8 011 T:Jobs/LS
8 012 C:Jobs/LS
8 014 P:Jobs/LS
8 015 S:Jobs/LS
8 016 L:Jobs/LS
8 017 O:Jobs/LS
These SPs count the number of jobs stored to
the document server by each application, to
reveal how local storage is being used for input.
[0~9999999/ 1]
The L: counter counts the number of jobs
stored from within the document server mode
screen at the operation panel.
• When a scan job is sent to the document server, the S: counter increments.
When you enter document server mode and then scan an original, the L: counter
• When a print job is sent to the document server, the P: counter increments.
• When a network application sends data to the document server, the O: counter
• When an image from Palm 2 is stored on the document server, the O: counter
8 021 T:Pjob/LS
8 022 C:Pjob/LS
8 024 P:Pjob/LS
8 025 S:Pjob/LS
8 026 L:Pjob/LS
8 027 O:Pjob/LS
These SPs reveal how files printed from the
document server were stored on the document
server originally.
[0~9999999/ 1]
The L: counter counts the number of jobs
stored from within the document server mode
screen at the operation panel.
• When a copy job stored on the document server is printed with another
application, the C: counter increments.
• When an application like DeskTopBinder merges a copy job that was stored on
the document server with a print job that was stored on the document server, the
C: and P: counters both increment.
• When a job already on the document server is printed with another application,
the L: counter increments.
• When a scanner job stored on the document server is printed with another
application, the S: counter increments. If the original was scanned from within
document server mode, then the L: counter increments.
• When images stored on the document server by a network application (including
Palm 2), are printed with another application, the O: counter increments.
• When a copy job stored on the document server is printed with a network
application (Web Image Monitor, for example), the C: counter increments.