Fine Adj Reg Spd Fine Adjust Registration Line Speed
The SP allows fine adjustment fine adjustment of the registration roller speed to
adjust the line speed.
001 Reg. Roller Registration Roller: Fine Adjust Speed
Allows fine adjustment of the registration roller line
Motor Adj:Norm Motor Speed Fine Adjustment (Normal)
002 Drum Motor:K
003 Drum Motor:M
004 Drum Motor:C
005 Drum Motor: K
006 PCU Motor:K
007 PCU Motor:M
008 PCU Motor:C
009 PCU Motor:Y
010 Image Transfer Motor
011 PTR Motor
"Normal" is normal speed for copying.
[-3 ~ +3/ 0.1%]
012 Fusing Motor [-5 ~ +5/ 0.1%]
Motor Adj:Half Motor Speed Fine Adjustment (Half-Speed)
013 Drum Motor:K
014 Drum Motor:M
015 Drum Motor:C
016 Drum Motor:Y
017 PCU Motor:K
018 PCU Motor:M
019 PCU Motor:C
020 PCU Motor:Y
021 Image Transfer Motor
022 PTR Motor
023 Fusing Motor
"Half-Speed" is the half-speed mode.
[-3 ~ +3/ 0.1%]
Motor Adj: 1/3 Motor Speed Fine Adjustment (One-Third
024 Fusing Exit Motor "One-Third Speed" is the one-third speed mode.
The one-third speed mode is used when OHP
goes through the fusing unit.
[-5 ~ +5/ 0.1%]
Registration Roller Speed
025 Reg. Roller This SP allows fine adjustment of the registration
roller speed.
[-3 ~ +3/ 0.1%]