5839 IEEE 1394 (Not Used)
This SP is displayed only when an IEEE 1394 (firewire) card is installed.
004 Host Name
Enter the name of the device used on the network. Example: RNP0000000000
007 Cycle Master
Enables or disables the cycle master function for the 1394 bus standard.
0: Disable (Off)
1: Enable (On)
008 BCR Mode
Determines how BCR (Broadcast Channel Register) operates on the 1394
standard bus when the independent node is in any mode other than IRM.
(NVRAM: 2-bits)
[Always Effective]
009 IRM 1394a Check
Conducts a 1394a check of IRM when the independent node is in any mode
other than IRM.
0: Checks whether IRM conforms to 1394a
1: After IRM is checked, if IRM does not conform then independent node
switches to IRM.
010 Unique ID
Lists the ID (Node_Unique_ID) assigned to the device by the system
Bit0: Off
Bit1: On
OFF: Does not list the Node_Unique_ID assigned by the system administrator.
Instead, the Source_ID of the GASP header in the ARP is used.
ON: The Node_Unique_ID assigned by the system administrator is used, and
the Source_ID of the GASP header in the ARP is ignored. Also, when the
serial bus is reset, extra bus transactions are opened for the enumeration.
011 Logout
Handles the login request of the login initiator for SBP-2. (1-bit)
Bit0: Off
Bit1: On
OFF: Disable (refuse login). Initiator retry during login. Login refusal on arrival of
login request (standard operation)
ON: Enable (force logout). Initiator retry during login. Login refusal on arrival of
login request, and the initiator forces the login.
012 Login
Enables or disables the exclusive login feature (SBP-2 related).
Bit0: Off
Bit1: On
OFF: Disables. The exclusive login (LOGIN ORB exclusive it) is ignored.
ON: Enables. Exclusive login is in effect.