5501 PM Alarm
Sets the count level for the PM alarm.
0: Alarm disabled
The PM alarm goes off when the print count reaches this value multiplied by 1,000.
5504 Jam Alarm
5505 Error Alarm
5507 Supply Alarm
Japan Only
5508 CC Call Japan Only
001 Jam Remains
002 Continuous Jams
003 Continuous Door Open
Enables/disables initiating a call.
0: Disable
1: Enable
004 Low Call Mode Enables/disables the new call specifications designed
to reduce the number of calls.
0: Normal mode
1: Reduced mode
011 Jam Detection: Time
Sets the length of time to determine the length of an
unattended paper jam.
This setting is enabled only when SP5508-004 is
enabled (set to 1).
012 Jam Detection
Continuous Count
Sets the number of continuous paper jams required to
initiate a call.
This setting is enabled only when SP5508-004 is
enabled (set to 1).
013 Door Open: Time Length Sets the length of time the remains opens to determine
when to initiate a call.
This setting is enabled only when SP5508-004 is
enabled (set to 1).
021 Jam Operation: Time
Determines what happens when a paper jam is left
0: Automatic Call
1: Audible Warning at Machine
022 Jam Operation:
Continuous Count
Determines what happens when continuous paper
jams occur.
0: Automatic Call
1: Audible Warning at Machine