August 2006 PUNCH UNIT B702 (FOR B700/B701)
Paper Position Detection
[A]: Finisher Entrance Motor (M1)
[B]: Finisher Entrance Roller
[C]: Finisher Entrance Sensor (S1)
[D]: Paper Position Sensor Slide Motor (M7)
[E]: Paper Position Sensor (S27)
[F]: Paper Position Sensor Slide HP Sensor (S22)
The finisher entrance motor (M1) [A] drives the finisher entrance rollers [B] that
feed paper from the copier into the finisher. The finisher entrance sensor (S1) [C]
detects paper when it enters the finisher, and detects paper jams.
The paper position slide sensor motor (M7) [D] extends and retracts the paper
position slide that holds the paper position sensor (S27) [E]. The paper position
sensor detects the position of the paper edge. The detected position of the paper is
used to calculate and position the punch unit for punching.
The paper position slide HP sensor (S22) [F] detects the paper position slide when
it retracts and stops the paper position slide motor so the slide stops at its home