IMPORTANT: Refer to certified drawings for addi-
tional information. Certified drawings areavailable upon
Required Power Wiring
Required Control Wiring
Options Wiring
1.0 Starters shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with
Carrier Engineering Requirement Z-375.
1.1 All field-suppliedconductors, devices, field-installation wiring, and ter-
mination of conductors and devices, must be in compliance with all
applicable codes and job specifications.
1.2 The routing of field-installed conduit and conductors and the location
of field-installed, devices must not interfere with equipment access or
the reading, adjusting, or servicing of any component.
1.3 Equipment installation and all starting and control devices must com-
ply with details in equipment submittal drawings and literature.
1.4 Contacts and switches are shown in the position they would assume
with the circuit deenergized and the chiller shut down.
1.5 WARNING — Do not use aluminum conductors.
2.0 Power conductor rating must meet minimum unit nameplate voltage
and compressor motor RLA (rated load amps).
When (3) conductors are used:
Minimum ampacity per conductor = 1.25 x compressor RLA
When (6) conductors are used:
Minimum ampacity per conductor = 0.721 x compressor RLA
2.1 Lugadaptersmaybe requiredifinstallationconditionsdictate thatcon-
ductors be sized beyond the minimum ampacity required. Solid-state
starters are provided with:
A. Two (2) 0-250 MCM lugs provided per phase for power conductor
terminations when compressor motor RLA is 400 amps or less.
B. Three (3), 250-500 MCM lugs provided per phase for power con-
ductor terminations when compressor motor RLA is more than
400 amps.
Wye-Delta starters are provided with:
A. Two (2) 250-500 MCM lugs provided per phase forpower conduc-
tor terminators when compressor motor RLA is 420 amps or less.
B. Two (2) #1-500MCM lugsprovided per phasefor powerconductor
terminations when compressor motor RLA is more than
420 amps.
2.2 Powerconductors tostarter mustenterthrough topof enclosure.Flex-
ible conduit should be used for the last few feet to the enclosure to
provide unit vibration isolation.
2.3 Compressor motor and controls must be grounded by using equip-
ment grounding lugs provided inside starter enclosure.
2.4 Wye-Delta starters require theassembly and the installation of a‘‘Top
Hat’’ (located inside enclosure) to provide the required wire bending
space for incoming power leads.
3.0 Fieldsuppliedcontrolconductorstobeatleast18AWG(AmericanWire
Gage) or larger.
3.1 Chilled water and condenser water flow switch contacts, optional re-
mote start device contacts and optional spare safety device contacts,
must have 24 vdc rating. Max current is 60 ma, nominal current
is 10 ma. Switches with gold plated bifurcated contacts are
3.2 Remove jumper wire between 12A and 12B before connecting auxil-
iary safeties between these terminals.
3.3 Pilotrelays cancontrol coolerand condenserpump andtower fanmo-
tor contactor coil loads rated 10 ampsat 115 vac up to 3 amps at600
vac. Control wiring required for Carrier to start pumps and tower fan
motorsmustbeprovided toassuremachineprotection.Ifprimarypump
and tower fan motor control is byother means, also provide a parallel
means for controlby Carrier. Do notuse starter control transformeras
the power source for pilot relay loads.
3.4 Donot route control wiringcarrying 30 vor less withina conduit which
has wires carrying 50 v or higher or along side wires carrying 50 v or
Fig. 34 — 23XL Typical Field Wiring with Optional Unit-Mounted Starter (Frame 1 and 2 Machines Shown)