
Fault Isolation Pr
Step Test
1. Is there proper incoming voltage at
terminal block?
2. Is the red LED illuminated?
3. Is the green LED illuminated?
4. Do both contactors energize?
5. Measure continuity across safety
thermostat. Is it an open circuit?
6. Is there 120 VAC present across the
coils of the contactors?
7. Remove wire from low water level probe
and ground it to the body of the kettle.
Do the contactors now energize?
8. Is there 16 VAC present at output of 16
VAC transformer?
Result Remedy
Yes Go to step #2.
No Correct external power supply problem.
Yes Follow Reservoir Fill Procedure (page
18). If this does not correct the
problem, go to Problem D.
No Go to step #3.
Yes Go to step #4.
No Go to step #7.
Check contactor contacts for pitting. Voltage
across contactor terminals while in a closed
position indicates a poor contact. Replace
contactor/s as necessary. Check elements
for short at ground or an open circuit. If
element/s are defective contact the factory.
Elements are not field replaceable.
No Go to step #5.
Yes Replace defective safety thermostat.
No Go to step #6.
Yes Replace defective contactor/s.
No Go to step #6.
Yes Clean or replace defective low water
level probe. Replace defective red LED.
No Go to step #8.
Yes Go to step #9.
Replace defective 240/16 VAC transformer.
Possible Causes
1. No incoming power.
2. Kettle is tilted.
3. Low water condition.
4. Defective ON/OFF switch.
5. Defective 12 VDC relay.
6. Defective safety thermostat.
7. Defective contactor/s.
8. Defective potentiometer
(temperature control).
9. Defective low water level
10. Defective thermistor.
11. Defective 240/16 VAC
12. Defective control box.
13. Defective elements.
This section contains servicing information intended for use by Authorized Service Personnel.
NOTE 1: If Fault Isolation Procedure is required, be sure to start at step #1.
NOTE 2: On table type kettles the entire control mounting panel may be removed from kettle control
housing for easier troubleshooting and parts replacement.
A/ Problem: Kettle is not heating at all. (Kettle must be on and temperature control set.)