ca r e a n d cl e a n I n g
fr e e z e r Se c t I o n
1. Reach behind the light cover.
2. With firm pressure, press
forward on the notches at the
back of the cover and pull
down. The cover will open
from the back.
3. Remove the cover.
4. Remove light bulb.
5. Replace bulb with appliance
bulb no greater than 40
6. Insert front tabs of light cover
into slots in freezer liner
and snap rear portion over
light assembly until rear tab
pr e p a r I n g f o r va c a t I o n /ab S e n c e
When Moving Your Refrigerator:
Your refrigerator is heavy. When moving the refrigerator for
cleaning or service, be sure to protect the floor. Always pull the
refrigerator straight out when moving it. Do not wiggle or “walk”
the refrigerator when trying to move it, as floor damage could
For short vacations or absences (three months or less):
1. Remove all perishables.
2. If no one will be checking in on the refrigerator during your
absence, remove all frozen items also.
3. If your refrigerator has an automatic ice maker:
• Shutoffthewatersupplytotheicemakeratleastone
day ahead of time.
• Afterthelastloadoficedrops,raisethewireshutoff
arm to the OFF position.
• Emptytheicebin.
4. If the room temperature will drop below 55°F (13°C), follow
the instructions for longer absences.
For long vacations, absences (more than three months) OR if
the room temperature will drop below 55ºF (13°C):
1. Remove food.
2. If your refrigerator has an automatic ice maker:
• Shutoffthewatersupplytotheicemakeratleastone
day ahead of time.
• Afterthelastloadoficedrops,raisethewireshutoff
arm to the OFF position.
• Emptytheicebin.
3. If your refrigerator has a dispenser system with water filter,
remove the water filter cartridge and install the filter bypass.
Dispose of the used cartridge.
4. Turn the freezer control to OFF.
5. Unplug the refrigerator.
6. Thoroughly clean the interior of both compartments with a
baking soda solution and a clean soft cloth (four tablespoons
7. Dry thoroughly.
8. Leave the doors open to prevent the formation of mold and
up o n yo u r re t u r n
After a short vacation or absence:
For models with automatic ice makers or dispensers:
• Reconnectthewatersupplyandturnonsupplyvalve.
• Monitorwaterconnectionfor24hoursandcorrectleaksif
• Run10-15glassesofwaterfromthedispensertoflushout
the system.
• Restarttheicemakerbyloweringtheicemakerarm.
• Discardatleastthefirstthreeiceharvests.
After a long vacation or absence:
• Reconnectthewatersupplyandturnonsupplyvalve.
• Plugtherefrigeratorbackinandresetcontrols(seepage2).
• Monitorwaterconnectionfor24hoursandcorrectleaks,if
For dispenser models, run water through the dispenser for at least
three minutes with the filter bypass in place, then install water
filter (see page 7).
• Afterinstallingthewaterfilter,runwaterthroughthe
dispenser continuously for at least two minutes, or until water
runs steady. Initially you may notice a one to two minute
delay in water dispersal as the internal tank fills.
• Restarttheicemakerbyloweringtheicemakerarm.
• Discardiceproducedwithinthefirst12hours(atleastthe
first three harvests).
pr e p a r I n g t o mo v e
Excessive Weight Hazard
Use two or more people to move and install refrigerator.
Failure to do so can result in back or other injury.
• Followtheaboveinstructionsforlongvacations/absences,
through step 7.
• Securealllooseitemssuchasshelvesanddrawersbytaping
them securely in place to prevent damage.
• Tapethedoorsshut.
• Useanappliancedollywhenmovingtherefrigerator.Always
truck the refrigerator from its side or back - never from its
• Besuretherefrigeratorstaysinanuprightpositionduring