re f r I g e r a t o r co m p a r t m e n t
Sh e l v e S
Important information to know about glass shelves and
Do not clean glass shelves or covers with warm water when
sudden temperature changes or impact, such as bumping.
For your protection, tempered glass is designed to shatter into
many small, pebble-size pieces. This is normal. Glass shelves
and covers are heavy. Use special care when removing them to
avoid impact from dropping.
YourrefrigeratorhasSpill-proofGlassShelves.The Spill-proof
shelves have a spill retainer edge which allows for easier clean up
andareequippedwitha slide out feature. To slide out, grasp the
front of the shelf and pull forward. Push in the shelf to return to
the original position.
To Remove a Shelf:
• Slightlytiltupthefrontandliftup the rear of the shelf, then pull
the shelf straight out.
To Lock the Shelf Into Another
• Tilt up the front edge of the shelf.
• Insert the hook into the desired
frame openings and let the shelf
settle into place.
• Be sure the shelf is securely locked at the rear.
do o r St o r a g e
Dairy Center
The Dairy Center provides convenient door storage for spreadable
items such as butter and margarine. This compartment can be
moved to different locations to accom-
modate storage needs. To use the dairy
center, raise the cover.
To Remove:
• Raisethecover,pullupwardandtilt
To Install:
• SlidetheDairyCenterinanddownuntilfirmlyseatedinthe
door liner.
Door Buckets
Door Buckets can be moved to meet
storage needs.
To Remove:
• Slidebucketupandpullstraightout.
To Install:
• Slidebucketinanddownuntilfirmly
seated in the door liner.
Crisper Drawers
The Crisper Drawers provide a higher humidity environment for
fresh fruit and vegetable storage.
The Crisper Controls regulate the amount of humidity in the
setting for leafy produce.
To Remove:
• Pulldrawerouttofullextension.Tiltupfrontofdrawerandpull
straight out.
To Install:
• Insertdrawerintoframerailsandpushbackintoplace.
For best results, keep the crisper drawers tightly closed.
de l I dr a W e r
The Deli Drawer is a full-width drawer with adjustable temperature
control. This drawer can be used for large party trays, deli items,
beverages or miscellaneous items. There is a divider to organize
the drawer into sections if desired.
There is a temperature control which adjusts the amount of cold
air allowed into the Deli Drawer. The control is located on the right
of the drawer, under the lid.
to provide a normal refrigerator temper-
setting when
a temperature colder than the main refrigerator compartment is
desired. Use the coldest setting when storing meats.
•ColdairdirectedtotheDeli Drawer can decrease refrigerator
temperature. Refrigerator control may need to be adjusted.
• DonotplaceleafyvegetablesintheDeliDrawer.Colder
temperatures could damage leafy produce.
To Remove:
• Liftlid.Pulldrawerouttofullextension.Tiltthedrawerfrontup
and pull straight out.
To Install:
• Pushmetalgliderailstothebackoftherefrigerator.Place
drawer onto rails and slide drawer back until it falls into place.
To Remove Divider:
• Pulldrawercompletelyoutandraisethefrontofthedividerto
unhook it from the rear wall of the pantry and lift it out.
To Install Divider:
• Hookbackofdivideroverrearwallofpantryandlowerinto