C. Installation Standards
1. CE/EXPORT STANDARDS: Fryer installation must conform with local codes, or in the
absence of local codes, to the appropriate National or European Community (CE) standards.
2. NON-CE INSTALLATION STANDARDS: Fryer installation must conform with local
codes, or in the absence of local codes, to the appropriate national standards as listed below:
a. U.S. installations must meet: b. Canadian installations must meet:
American National Standard Institute CAN 1-B149 Installation Codes
ANSI Z83.11 Canadian Gas Association
American Gas Association 55 Scarsdale Road
8501 E. Pleasant Valley Road Don Mills, ONT, M3B 2R3
Cleveland, OH 44131
National Electrical Code Canadian Electric Code c22.1, part 1
ANSI/NFPA #70 Canadian Standards Association
American National Standard Institute 178 Rexdale Blvd.
1430 Broadway Rexdale, ONT, M9W 1R3
New York, NY 10018
NFPA Standards #96 and #211 c. Australian installations must meet:
National Fire Protection Association
470 Atlantic Avenue AS5601/AG601 Installation Codes
Boston, MA 02110 Standards Australia International
25 Raglan Street
South Melbourne, VIC 3205
2.6 Equipment Installed at High Altitudes
1. The fryer input rating [BTU/hr (kW/hr)] is for elevations up to 2,000 feet (610-m). For
elevations above 2,000 feet (610-m), the rating should be reduced 4-percent for each
additional 1,000 feet (305-m) above sea level.
2. The correct orifices are installed at the factory if the operating altitude is known at the time
of the customer’s order.