Frymaster 24G Series Fryer User Manual

1.9.2 Main Burner Malfunctions
Main burner will not
come on even though
air blower is in
operation; no gas
pressure at main
1. Check that the combination gas valve is ON.
2. Check that the pilot is lit and is operating properly.
3. Check high temperature safety switch. Replace if defective.
4. Check air prover switch (sail switch) as follows:
Move actuating lever at switch to ensure it is not dragging in
the slots (use long tool to avoid burns). If so, bend the arm
carefully to clear the obstruction. Check the air prover switch
for continuity and replace if defective.
Air blower is not
operating, although
power is present at the
1. Cooked product or other material may have fallen into the flue
and lodged in the blower wheel, preventing it from turning.
Clean out flue and blower wheel.
2. Blower motor may have overheated and shut off. This
condition will correct itself when motor cools (20 minutes). If
problems with blower overheating persist, call for service.
3. If fryer is equipped with a Thermatron controller, the
temperature probe or the controller board may be defective.
Main burner flames are
small and appear lazy;
Oil does not come up
to temperature quickly.
1. Check gas pressure at the pressure tap of the burner manifold.
Use a standard water-type U-gauge manometer. With the
burner in operation, the pressure should be about 4" W.C. on
natural and 11" W.C. on propane (LP) gases. If not, unscrew
the cover of the pressure regulator adjustment and turn the
adjusting screw clockwise to increase gas pressure (or
counterclockwise to decrease the pressure). Replace cover
and plug.
There are signs of
excessive frypot
oil becomes
discolored quickly.
1. Check the frypot for excessive build up of debris.
2. Check Thermatron controller; may be out of calibration. Re-
calibrate in accordance with instructions in Section 1.6.
3. Check gas pressure.
4. Oil of inferior quality or used too long. Replace with quality oil.