Salton RHST3 Electric Steamer User Manual

délicieuse salade classique aux oeufs et à l’aneth
Pour environ 2 verres 1/2, quantité suffisante pour 4 sandwiches
6 gros œufs durs épluchés et coupés en cubes d’un peu moins d’1 cm.
1/4 de verre de mayonnaise
2 cuillerées à soupe d’oignon rouge émincé
3 cuillerées à soupe d’aneth fraîchement hachée
1 branche de céleri de taille moyenne finement hachée
3 à 6 cornichons à l’aneth pour hamburgers de Claussen, hachés
1 cuillerée à soupe de moutarde moulue
1 gousse d’ail émincée
1/2 cuillerée à café de sel
flocons de poivron rouge en fonction de vos préférences
1. Laisser les œufs cuire puis retirer la coquille.
2. Mélanger l’ensemble des ingrédients dans un grand panier.
Assaisonnez à nouveau au besoin après avoir goûté.
before using for the first time
IMPORTANT: Never place lid, rice cooking bowl, steamer bowls or drip
tray on a hot stove or in a microwave.
Before using your 3 tier digital steamer for the first time, we suggest
you become familiar with all of its parts. Read all instructions and
cautions carefully.
1. Unpack your food steamer and accessories. Remove any labels from
the outer stainless steel surfaces.
2. Before steaming foods, clean lid, rice cooking bowl, steamer
bowls and drip tray in mild dishwashing detergent. Rinse thoroughly
and dry.
CAUTION: Do not immerse cord, plug, or steamer base with heat
element in water or other liquids.
3. We recommend placing a large heat-resistant tray, protective mat or
kitchen towel on your countertop to serve as a resting area to place
steamer bowls when checking cooking progress.
operating instructions
1. Make sure the steamer is unplugged.
2. Place unit on a flat sturdy surface with adequate clearance.
Keep children away from the steamer.
3. Place the steam ring around the heat element. The 3 holes in the
steam ring fit over 3 tabs on the floor of the steamer base. Press
down firmly until the steam ring snaps into position.
4. Place the drip tray onto the steamer base making sure that it fits
correctly onto the base and it is level. Both water fill holes in the
drip tray handles will fit perfectly into the steamer base handles.
With a measuring cup or any spouted vessel, fill the steamer base to
the MAX mark (5 cups) on the water level lens. Other liquids, such
as wine or broths and additional ingredients such as salt, pepper or
spices may be added to the water. When cooking is completed,
finish seasoning steamed food to taste. This amount of water/liquid
will steam for about 1 hour.
5. To enhance the flavor of steamed foods, add fresh or dried herbs,
spices or fresh ginger to the herb tray in the center of the drip tray.
NOTE: When steaming foods for longer than 1 hour, it may be
necessary to refill the steamer base during steaming. Use a
spouted vessel and add water through either water fill hole.
6. There are 3 steamer bowls. Use the markings on the steamer bowl
handles to identify the bottom (B), middle (M), and top (T) steamer
bowls and their positions. (See illustrations on next page.)
Place foods to be cooked into the various steamer bowls.
7. The bottom of every stacked bowl locks into the tabs and grooves
along the top rim of the steamer bowl below it.