Teledyne 2002 Food Saver User Manual

page 14 Model 2002
5. Press and release the MODE switch as necessary to return the 2002 to the RUN mode and
store the coefficients to permanent memory.
Atmosphere Coefficient Atmosphere Coefficient
Atmosphere Coefficient Atmosphere Coefficient
Atmosphere Coefficient
If a reference high pressure gauge is not available, the ambient barometric pressure acquired from
the weather channel or other weather service can be used to adjust the proper reading.
To adjust the atmosphere coefficient, use the following procedure:
1. Press the MODE switch a sufficient number of times to enter the CAL mode.
2. Simultaneously, press both the UP and DOWN switches to bypass the interlock. The CAL
light will start to flash, signaling that the calibration can now be conducted.
3. Press, hold and release either of the UP and DOWN switches as necessary to adjust the
display to match the pressure indicated by the reference. Note: It may be neces-
sary to hold the desired switch down for a few seconds before any movement is
4. Press and release the MODE switch as necessary to return the Model 2002 to the RUN
mode and store the coefficients to permanent memory.
3.5 GAS Mode
The Model 2002 can provide true pressure measurements in many gas environments. At pressure
levels above 32 Torr where the direct force piezoresistive sensor is operative, the instrument is gas
composition insensitive and measures the true pressure regardless of gas composition. The Pirani
is gas composition sensitive so below 32 Torr, the actual composition must be known and the
Pirani calibrated in that gas. When the vacuum system’s gas composition is dominated by a single
gas species (for example, during system venting with an inert gas), the user can enter a gas
selection into the Model 2002. To view the gas selection, place the instrument in the GAS mode
and reference Table 1. The Model 2002 is factory set to display N
pressure readings. To select a
different gas, refer to Table 1 to find the number code of the gas to be entered. Press the UP and
DOWN switches simultaneously, the GAS light will now flash. Use the UP and DOWN switches
to individually select the desired code. Return the Model 2002 to the RUN mode.
Gas Mode
Displayed Number
0.0 ............................... nitrogen
0.1 ................................... argon
0.2................................. helium
0.3..........................water vapor
0.4 .................................custom