6712SR Refrigerated Sampler
Section 5 Extended Programming
Extended characters, the Comma (,), Pound (#), and Star (*), also
may be included in the 25 digits. To enter an extended character,
press the Decimal Point key on the Avalanche keypad. The Ava-
lanche displays a screen used to select and enter the extended
characters. Each comma entered will cause the modem to pause
for two seconds before proceeding with the remaining digits.
Phone numbers that are no longer needed can be removed.
Advance the cursor to the end of the telephone number and then
press the Left Arrow key to erase the preceding character. If the
cursor is not at the end of the telephone number, the Left Arrow
key will only shift the cursor without erasing any characters.
Dialout telephone and pager numbers are included in the
Program Settings Report.
Connecting either the serial output or the standard interrogator
cable to the Avalanche disables the internal dial-out modem.
The interrogator or serial output cable must be disconnected
before you can use the modem.
5.19.7 Pager Numbers The extended character screen contains a pager option that des-
ignates the phone number as a pager. When programmed as a
pager number, an identification string will be sent seven times
after the pager number is dialed, with a three second delay
between strings.
An example identification string would be “828-1”, meaning
“Alarm condition #1 exists at sampler 828”. If more than one
alarm condition exists, the string would read similar to “828-1-3.
5.19.8 Digital Modem Text
The sampler can also send alarms in the form of text messages
containing the same information as that found in voice messages.
To use this option, you must have:
• a cellular phone with text messaging capabilities
• an external digital modem
recommended: Teledyne Isco’s AnyDATA modem
part # 60-5314-489
If an internal voice modem is installed, the sampler will use
that modem, and text messaging will be disabled.