
How This Manual Is Organized
Issue 1, December 2008
Looking for the PolicyAssistant?
If you cannot find the PolicyAssistant in the Navigation pane when the Server
Management Tool is running, refer to the section “Installing the PolicyAssistant and the
Policy Flow Editor” on 3-13 to learn how to install the PolicyAssistant.
Attempting to start the Server Management Tool?
If you need help launching the Server Management Tool (SMT), refer to the section
“Preparing to Create Your First Policy” on 9-3 to learn more about the SMT.
What is RADIUS?
If you are new to the RADIUS world of access control, refer to “RADIUS Terms
Explained” on 1-3 to learn more about 8950 AAA and RADIUS terminology.
How This Manual Is Organized
Manual organization
This manual covers the steps necessary to set up your 8950 AAA server, clients, and user
profiles to process user requests for network access. The manual is organized as follows:
Chapter 1, “Introduction to 8950 AAA”
This section provides an introduction to 8950 AAA and some of the terms that you will
encounter when working with the 8950 AAA product.
Chapter 2, “8950 AAA Server Management Tool Overview”
This chapter covers the Server Management Tool layout and how to install the
Chapter 3, “Server Management Tool Command Set”
This chapter discusses the Server Management Tool commands that are accessible from
the menu bar, toolbar, and navigation pane of the user interface.
Chapter 4, “Managing 8950 AAA Servers”
This chapter addresses methods in controlling the behavior of 8950 AAA Servers.
Chapter 5, “Configuring 8950 AAA Client Properties”
This chapter discusses the process of configuring clients such as Network Access Servers
(NASs) or other access points with the 8950 AAA SMT.