Server Statistics PanelServer Statistics
Issue 1, December 2008
Figure 17-9 Server Statistics–Proxy Accounting
As with other screens, this screen displays two groups of columns labeled Total and
Interval. They display numerical values as follows:
• The Total columns display statistics about all packet types received by other servers.
• The Interval columns display disposition statistics for requests received during the last
update interval.
The columns are used in the same way as with authentication requests.
Categories of proxy accounting requests are described in Table 17-9.
Table 17-9 Categories of Proxy Accounting requests
Category Description of the Packet
Requests Valid RADIUS Access-Request packets (Packet type
Retransmissions Additional Access-Request packets sent as a result of a
time out.
Responses Acknowledged valid RADIUS Access-Request packets
(Packet type 5).
Dropped Access-Request packets that resulted in the original
request being dropped (no response was sent to the
Timeouts Access-Request packets for which there was no answer
received from the remote RADIUS server.