Configuring Realm Routing TableConfiguring 8950 AAA Realm Routing Table Properties
Issue 1, December 2008
• The Route Properties
This is used to specify the properties of the route once a match is found using the
above criteria.
Table 6-1 Route Entry Properties
Field Name Description
Request Matching Criteria
Realm Specifies the realm name for which this route entry is
Application Specifies the application for which the route entry is valid.
Valid values are the provided values, either ‘*’ for any
application or one of the application names. Application
can also be entered as a numeric value which in addition
enables entry of a Vendor identity.
Vendor Specifies the vendor specific application id for which this
route entry is valid when combined with the application
ID. Valid values are any of the predefined from the list or a
numeric value.
Type Specifies the type. Can be either Authentication or
Route Properties
Action Specifies the route action to take when all of application,
vendor specific application id (if applicable) and realm
name matches.
Cache Time Specifies the value in seconds that the server provides in
the “Redirect-Max-Cache-Time” attribute when the server
sends a redirect indication based on a match of this entry.
Peers When appropriate Action is selected, this field is activated.
A list of action buttons are displayed next to this field,
click on the required action button to perform the required
action. If you click on the Insert a record action button, the
Host window panel is displayed that allows you to add a
Host to the selected Peer.