Advanced Authentication OptionsUsing the 8950 AAA Policy Assistant in Server
Management Tool
Issue 1, December 2008
On the Authenticating Access Requests panel (Figure 9-5), if you selected the option
Allow Any of the Following, then, after clicking Advanced Authentication Options, the
Advanced Authentication Options window appears as shown in Figure 9-20. You may
customize the list of verified format types by deselecting any check box that corresponds
to a undesirable format type.
On the Authenticating Access Requests panel, if you selected any option other than Allow
Any of the Following, then, after clicking Advanced Authentication Options, the
Advanced Authentication Options window appears as shown in Figure 9-5.
Table 9-5 Advanced Authentications Options–User Profile Options
Tunneled EAP tab option
Click on the Tunneled EAP tab and the following panel is displayed, as shown in
Figure 9-21. By selecting the Allow EAP Tunnelling checkbox, you can enable automatic
EAP negotiation and add desired tunneled EAP types.