Defining a Failure ModeUsing the 8950 AAA Policy Assistant in Server
Management Tool
Issue 1, December 2008
Figure 9-14 Items Sent Back to NAS tab of the Attribute Sets Panel
6. Click OK to close the Attribute Sets panel and return to the Attribute Set for Policy
panel in the Policy Wizard. The attribute set you create appears in the scroll list under
the Attribute Set Lookup frame. The set is added to the file listed under the Advanced
Defining a Failure Mode
About the Failure Mode
Use the options in the Attribute Set Lookup Failure frame to define the action the
PolicyAssistant should take in the event an Attribute Set cannot be found. Such a failure
might be caused by an error in a Session-Template attribute in a User Profile, or by an
error when giving the Attribute Set a name.
The three options, are as described below in Table 9-3.
Table 9-3 Attribute Set Options
Option Description
Reject the Request Send an access-reject response to the NAS. The server ends
the session immediately.
Discard the Request Stop processing the request, but do not send any reply to the
NAS. The NAS may retry sending the request to another
8950 AAA server, where a copy of the Attribute Set might
be available.