
SMT menus and their commandsServer Management Tool Command Set
365-360-001 R6.0
Issue 1, December 2008
Important! As discussed in Chapter 2, some SMT commands can be issued using
the toolbar. Refer to the section“SMT Toolbar” on 2-8.
Server Connection
The Server menu contains commands that manage the connection between the SMT and
the 8950 AAA server. It is found on the SMT menu bar. During the start procedure, either
a local or remote connection to the configuration server is attempted. A local or remote
connection is necessary to display and enable the SMT GUI.
To break the connection to the 8950 AAA server, select Server on the menu bar and then
click Disconnect from Server. As a result, the GUI disappears from the screen, except for
the title bar and menu bar, and is replaced by the 8950 AAA logo icon.
To connect to a 8950 AAA server, select Server on the menu bar and then click Connect
to Server. As during the start procedure, the Server Management Tool Login popup
window appears so that the user can enter a username, password, and a mode of
connection. After clicking Connect, the GUI appears again.
Managing Panels
The Server Management Tool uses panels to request or display information. Panels
contain one or more tabs that have a variety of fields including text boxes, checkboxes,
and drop-down lists. Some panels contain tables and graphs. Figure 3-1 shows an example
of the SMT interface with a panel displayed.