List of Server CommandsServer Diagnostics and Control Commands
Issue 1, December 2008
Command Format: logrule remove <num>
logrule save
Description: Dumps logging rules to a file.
Command Format: logrule save <fileName>
logrule swap
Description: Swaps two logging rules.
Command Format: logrule swap <num> <num>
The following section lists the peer commands and their arguments:
peer auto
Description: Sets peer auto.
Command Format: peer auto <peerName>
peer down
Description: Sets peer down.
Command Format: peer down <peerName>
peer list
Description: Lists peers.
Command Format: peer list
There are no arguments for this command.
peer up
Description: Sets peer up.
<num> The number of the log rule to be deleted.
<fileName> The name of the file to which the logging rules
will be dumped.
numb The number of the two rules to be swapped with
one another.
<peerName> The name of the peer server.
<peerName> The name of the peer server.