
Server Statistics PanelServer Statistics
Issue 1, December 2008
The screen also displays a performance monitor. This is a graph that displays the number
of packet samples (horizontal scale) against packets per update interval (vertical scale).
The graph can show up to five types of authentication request based on disposition. Select
or clear the appropriate checkbox to control this display.
Accounting Requests
Figure 17-4 shows the screen for monitoring accounting requests. It displays a columnar
information and a performance monitor (graph) organized in the same manner as the
Authentication Request screen.
Duplicate The number of Access-Request packets that matched
another request which was already in the request queue
(no response was sent for the duplicate request).
Invalid The number packets received from unknown clients.
Bad Auth The number of packets received which contained an
invalid signature (authenticator).
Unknown The number of packets received which did not match a
known RADIUS RFC packet type.
Malformed The number of packets received which contained data that
could not be decoded.
Table 17-4 Authentication Statistics Counters
Counter Description of the Packet