Server Statistics PanelServer Statistics
Issue 1, December 2008
Figure 17-4 Server Statistics–Accounting Requests
The columns are used in the same way as with authentication requests (Table 17-2). The
requests are sorted according to accounting disposition, as described in Table 17-5.
Table 17-5 Accounting Disposition
Disposition Description of the Packet
Requests The total number of valid Accounting-Request packets
received (Packet type 4).
Responses The number of Accounting-Acknowledgment packets sent
(Packet type 5).
Dropped The number of Accounting-Request packets that were
dropped (no response was sent).
Duplicate The number of Accounting-Request packets that matched
another request which was already in the request queue
(no acknowledgement was sent for the duplicate request).
Invalid The number packets received from unknown clients.
Bad Auth Associated with an authenticator that could not be verified.
Unknown The number of packets received which did not match a
known RADIUS RFC packet type.
Malformed The number of packets received which contained data that
could not be decoded.