
Notes on the Naming of Time Based FilesMessage Logging
Issue 1, December 2008
SQL Database
The Database channel writes log messages to a SQL compliant database. Each 8950 AAA
log message is represented by a row (record) in the database table. Every log message in
8950 AAA contains the following pieces: Timestamp, Thread, Area, Level, Message, and
a Java Stacktrace. Each of the pieces can be saved independently of each other to a
Important! The use of the Database channel and the following discussion assumes
you are familiar with SQL and general database issues, have an SQL compliant
database running on an assessable system, and have a JDBC driver for that database
The properties tab for this destination/output type is shown in Figure 16-20.
Figure 16-20 SQL Database–Properties Tab
Table 16-13 explains the fields and the field descriptions that you will specify in this
Table 16-13 SQL Database–Properties tab fields
Field Name Description
Driver Database driver.
This is a required field.
URL Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the database.
This is a required field.