
List of Server CommandsServer Diagnostics and Control Commands
Issue 1, December 2008
Command Format: uss2 reset <model> <key>
uss2 reset all
Description: Resets all the sessions in the model.
Command Format: uss2 reset all<model>
uss2 reset nas
Description: Resets all the sessions for a given NAS.
Command Format: uss2 reset nas <model> <nas-key>
uss2 resources
Description: Displays the available resources.
Command Format: uss2 resource
There are no arguments for this command.
uss2 resource dump
Description: Displays selected or all data from one or all resources.
Command Format: uss2 resource dump <model> [<name>] [<value>]
uss2 resource list
Description: Displays information about one or all resources.
Command Format: uss2 resource list <model> <resource> [<name>]
<model> Name of the model
<key> The key associated with the state entry to be
<model> Name of the model.
<model> Name of the model.
<nas-key> The key associated with NAS.
<model> Name of the model.
<name> Name of the resource.
<value> Value of the resource.
<model> Name of the model.
<resource> Resource type.
name> Name of the resource.